Come now let us reason together saith The Lord.  Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.  Though they be red like crimson.  They shall be as wool.  Isaiah 1:18

All things have a beginning and so it was with Broad Street Missionary Baptist Church.  There is no official written record of eventful history of the Church.  All memories come from older members.  With no money to build a Church a man by the name of Mr. Felix Mudd (a white man) gave a small frame house to some people who worked for him.  They were Mr. Felix Hawkins, Mr. John Umbles, Mr. M. Mayfield, Mrs. Anna Bradford, and Mrs. Lou Brown.

In 1878, the Spring Street Baptist Church was organized and was located where the Elyton School now stands.  In 1906 Elyton Elementary School was built on the lot adjoining the Church.  The Courthouse which was located in Elyton burned down.  The land to build the Church was donated by the Elyton Land Company and the bricks from the Courthouse were donated to build the Church.  In 1909 the Church was moved to its present location and renamed the Broad Street Missionary Baptist Church.

On July 7, 1920 Reverend J. H. Holmes accepted the Pastorate of Broad Street Missionary Baptist Church.  Through his spiritual guidance and leadership, the Church and community was blessed.  The mortgage was liquidated.  In 1934 the Church was remodeled.  Cedar pews were installed and carpet was placed on the floors.  On October 27, 1957 a Hammond Organ was installed.  On February 5, 1958 Rev. Holmes was called home by the Lord.

On July 8, 1958 Reverend William C. Cunningham was called and he served until September 16, 1959.  The Reverend Solomon Crenshaw, Sr. succeeded Reverend Cunningham.  This dynamic young minister quickly grasped the job that lay ahead of him and proved equal to the task.  Under Reverend Crenshaw’s leadership the Church building went through a great transformation.  The tall ceiling was lowered and acoustical ceiling was installed.  The walls were paneled and modern lights and hardwood floors were installed.  Carpet was placed in the Pastor’s study.  A piano was purchased and a parking lot was purchased for the Church’s parking.

A dining room, kitchen and restrooms were added.  Leslie speakers were installed in the sanctuary.  The following Ministers were ordained, Reverends Frank Calhoun, Rufus L. McGhee, James White, and Perry Goins Jr.  21 Deacons were installed.  The secretaries were Sister Emily Holes, Sister Elmore Quarles, and Sis. Maxine Cottre.

On January 27, 1980, the official opening and dedication of the J. H. Holmes Fellowship Hall was held.  The Guest Minister was Reverend William Perry, Jr. of New Jerusalem Baptist Church, Brummitt Heights.  The dedication was done by Reverend Edsel Davis, Tabernacle Baptist Church.  In June 1981 Cushion pews were installed. In 1985 the Church purchased the property for our main parking lot.  In 1987 the Church purchased the property adjacent to the Church.  The property was cleared and graveled for additional parking spaces.

In October 1991 the Church installed Central heating and air.  With God’s guidance, and a spiritual, dynamic leader, Reverend Solomon Crenshaw, Sr., there was a beautiful church family here.  The central heating and cooling project was completed and in 1992 new chairs were purchased.  Under Reverend Solomon Crenshaw’s leadership the Church building went through a great transformation, outside and inside.  In 1995 the Church got a face lift on the outside.  The Church was painted, underpinning was completed and new gutters were installed.

The work was completed by Rev. Harold Jemison – plumber, Mr. B. J. Robinson – windows, Deacon Henry Walker, Sr. – painter, Deacon Clarence Peasant – painter, Mr. Troy Pate – blacktop, and Reverend Solomon Crenshaw, Sr. – overseer and laborer. Rutledge Heating & Air installed the heating and air units and Southern Flooring installed the floor and tile.

In 1997 the Church purchased a copy machine and our own Pamela Steele started preparing all of the Church’s programs.  She does a beautiful job.  In 1999 the Church purchased a public address system and paid off the mortgage.  We give all the praise and honor to God for he continues to bless Broad Street Missionary Baptist Church.

In January 1998 our former Chairman of the Deacon Board passed, Deacon Ben Jackson.  In 2000 the Church purchased more property to add to the church.  All of our construction and upgrades were completed in October 2001.  On February 12, 2006 Rev. Tyrone Sales was licensed to preach by Reverend Solomon Crenshaw, Sr.  Rev. Tyrone Sales’ first sermon was taken from Mark 8:22-26, “A Touch From The Lord”.  The Associate Ministers during this time are Rev. Randy Barlow, Rev. Taylor Patrick Wilson, Sr., Rev. Tyrone Sales and Rev. Odis Washington.  The Church Officers are Deacon Solomon Crenshaw, Jr., Chairman of the Deacon Board, Sis. Eva Bell, Chairperson of the Trustee Board, Deacon Henry Walker, Sr., Treasurer, Sis. Louise F. Smith, Secretary, Sis. Pamela Steele, Recording Secretary, Sis. Lynda Joiner and Deacon Howard Harris, Jr., Announcement Clerks, and Sis. Deborah Japal, Sunday School Secretary.  Church Attorney is Deacon Larry Hollings.  Musicians are Sis. LaVoria Brown, organist, Sis. Nellie Crenshaw, pianist, percussionists, Bro. Robert Jackson, and Bro. Andrew King.   

Reverend Solomon Crenshaw, Sr. served this flock untiring for better than 49 years. But on October 27, 2009 God called his servant from labor to reward.

In June 2010 a Pastor’s search committee was selected and accepted by the Church.  The committee consisted of Sis. Eva Bell, Chairperson, Bro. Cleophus Turner, Co-Chair, Sis. Elmore Quarles, Secretary, Sis. Jacinta Elliott, Assistant Secretary, Sis. LaVoria E. Brown, Chaplain.  The other members were Sis. Althea Gray, Sis. Maxine Castleberry, Deacon Henry Walker, Sr., and Deacon Charles Steele.  The Alternates were Deacon Frederick Goins, Deacon Larry Hollings, and Deacon Solomon Crenshaw, Jr. was the moderator.

Reverend Truitt Evans, Sr. served as Pulpit Conductor for six months.  He was from Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Hueytown.  After going through the interview process with several applicants, it became clear that the person the Church needed was already on the pulpit.  On March 13, 2011 Reverend Truitt Evans, Sr. was elected overwhelmingly by the Church membership to be the new Pastor of The Broad Street Missionary Baptist Church.  He graciously accepted the call.  God’s amazing grace has brought us this far by faith, leaning on the Lord.  With Rev. Truitt Evans, Sr. at the helm, leading God’s sheep, we are determined to be good followers.  

Rev. Truitt Evans, Sr. first sermon as Pastor of Broad Street Missionary Baptist Church was “How Christians Ought To Act”, Galatians 6:1-5.  Under Rev. Evans’ leadership the Church is progressing well.  A new air conditioning system and security system was installed.  A new Church office was completed and the Pastor’s study was renovated.  We lost Rev. Odis Washington on October 1, 2014.  Bro. Andre King was licensed to preach by Rev. Truitt Evans, Sr. on June 28, 2015.  His first sermon was “In The Beginning God, Who Are You?” Genesis 1.

With a backward glance and a forward look on this day, for the most Glorious chapter in the History of Broad Street Missionary Baptist Church has been written.  All the documents have been approved.  This Church is declared an Historical site. We can say the Lord has done great things for us where of we are glad.  Psalms 123:3  May God Be Praised.  Keep on working for the Master, Keep on working for the Lord.  He will surely Bless you and He will give you your Reward.    

Rev. Truitt Evans, Sr., Pastor


Sis. Minnie Jenkins *

Sis. Etta Royster *

Sis. Susie Jenkins *

Sis. Mary E. White *

Sis Elmore Quarles, Historian
